Coping with Being Told You’ve Gained Weight with Anorexia

Muhammad Saleh
1 min readSep 11, 2024


Being told that you’ve gained weight can be distressing for anyone, but it is especially difficult for someone dealing with anorexia nervosa. This eating disorder involves an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted body image, making such comments particularly triggering. Coping with being told you’ve gained weight when you have anorexia requires a delicate balance of mental strength, emotional resilience, and understanding your journey toward recovery.

In this article, we’ll provide strategies and insights for coping with weight gain while managing anorexia, with a focus on helping you navigate such difficult situations in a healthy way.

Understanding the Emotional Impact of Being Told You’ve Gained Weight

For someone with anorexia, weight gain can symbolize a loss of control. Anorexia often involves extreme dieting and an obsession with keeping weight low, so hearing that you’ve gained weight can feel like a personal failure. However, it’s important to remember that weight gain during recovery is a positive sign of health improvement. The journey to overcoming anorexia involves not only physical healing but also psychological growth.

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