Stage 4 GAPS Diet Bread Recipe Without Eggs : A Guide

Muhammad Saleh
1 min read7 hours ago


The GAPS Diet (Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet) is an elimination protocol that aims to repair the gut by removing inflammation- and gut imbalance-triggering foods. This is a very hard-to-come by egg-free bread recipe that fits into Stage 4 of the GAPS diet for many people following the diet, especially those with an egg allergy. In this text, I present an easy and yummy GAPS bread recipe without eggs designed for anyone on the healing path.

What is the GAPS Diet?

The GAPS diet is specifically designed to help restore the gut and digestive tract, culprits that are almost always responsible for both brain and body issues. They are split into stages, with particular food introductions per stage. The GAPS diet really allows for some yummy food in stage 4 due to the fact that this is when you can start eating more solid foods, and yes, bread with no gluten and eggs.

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